"Good order is the foundation of all things." Edmund Burke

What's In Your Purse? Let's Organize It!

When I asked this same question on Facebook a couple months ago, encouraging people to post pictures, a friend of mine privately texted me the picture of a dried banana stem! Another friend told me she had once found a dirty diaper so old it was decomposing!

More often, what we all find are duplicate or multiple items... just because you can never find a lipstick on your purse chaos and you may be already running a little behind... you end up with 4, 5, 6 of them!
Are you always digging through your purse to find your eye drops, your gum, or your keys,  the business card your friend gave you, or that receipt you know it is there... somewhere?

Rarely but surely there are women that only carry a wallet and the car keys! But most "need" a little more. I only downsize when I go to a concert, but I still throw a lipstick there! 

Some, tell me they would you love to change purses more often so to use the cute red tote they got last season, but just the thought of transferring everything makes them wink. I am one of those who change handbags frequently to match outfit or purpose. So using a purse  organizer saves me time twice! First, I don't have to look for anything, I know where it is! Second, I can swap purses in a the blink of an eye! 

If you wish you used more of the nice handbags you own (or if you need an excuse to buy another one!) or if you simply carry a lot of stuff, but you can NEVER find anything quickly when you need them, then you will probably LOVE a purse organizer!!!

My purse organizer gets so much use that it ripped on the inside! So I just got a new one!

I went with this one from The Container Store, which sells for $11.99.
It also makes a great gift for a great price!

The clear and mesh pockets allow me to easily spot all small items I carry while larger items can be hidden inside the main opening and covered pockets. It is light weight, compact, easy to clean and it has a zipper closure on top (which my older one did not). Besides, it has enough compartments for all the little many things I have to carry everyday, including a measuring tape or two and two pens, always! - because I write to do lists at the traffic light and sometimes one falls under my seat! :) The only feature I have not enjoyed is the longer handles. They kind of get on the way (even in the picture), they may show in smaller sachels and are unattractive. I much preffered the discrete handles of the old one, but I can fix that later by making them shorter. But right now I have a list of organizing projects to tackle! 

How about you? Have you used a handbag organizer before? How was your experience?
All copyright Bloom Your Space Organizing ® 2014