"Good order is the foundation of all things." Edmund Burke

New Years Resolutions - Planning Your Family Trips

If you haven't done yet, this is the best week to organize your family trips for the whole year! Vacations are not only a way to break away from routine. They build memories. Don't you remember the family trips you went with your family when you were growing up?

Where are you going this year? Are you fying or driving? Cruising? One of each?

Those who know us are used to how spontenous we are when it comes to traveling! However, when we switched our children to public school, we realized our impulsiveness wasn't working anymore. Having to match school holidays with our work schedule demanded a plan! Also, when we bought an RV a couple years ago, we quickly learned to book our campsites, at State Parks specially,  way in advance, as we stood home for the first holiday we wished to find a last minute spot but never did! Particularly when the goal is to witness a seasonal sighting, as animal migrations or the gorgeous change of seasons. 

Most of our family trips involve outdoor activities, so planing also helps us get any gear organized in time for the next adventure!

Last year, in celebartion of my birthday, I took my children, along with my parents, to visit the majestic Iguaçú Falls in the south of Brazil. Planning ahead allowed me to do a lot of research, as there were so many different options on what to do around there and the age of the travelers ranged from 7 to 75! I appreciated having the extra time to read plenty of reviews, which helped me make the right choices for our whole family.

Some special places we've visited before, we revisit every year!
Like this cypress tree, by the Frio River, at Garner State Park!

At least one long trip every year involves bright white sand! Ahhhhh....

Some of trips are made merely to see the people we love the most and miss so much.

Or to witness something very cool, like millions of bats flying!

Others are just to chill and relax,

but in all of them our main objective is to have fun!

And all of them, involve me, taking hundreds of pictures!
It is more than a hobby, it's therapy!
It feels nice to look back and see the places we visited,
the people we saw or met, and the animals we observed!

Now that our children are older, they don't always go happily wherever we take them. So now, they participate on the decision making process! Fair enough!
That way, everyone is happy making the trip and at the destination!

When we sit down to organize this year's travel plan, I follow these steps:
  1. Start alone. Get your main calendar (eletronic or paper), school calendar and work calendar. Mark every school holiday, early release or break.  Then, put down any work event or trip. Block any dates you already know you will have guests over. TIP: I like to use a different color for each type of holiday. School only holidays are green, so I know that if we plan a trip for that period we need to arrange vacation at work, a pet sitter and pay any bills in advance. For holidays where parents do not work, I use blue, having guests over gets the red and work related events get orange. It becomes clear how many short and long breaks we will have. It is helpfull to have a hard copy of this calendar for your reference. 
  2. Then I imput any trips we already have made reservations! Yay! This year's Spring Break trip to Big Bend National Park was booked last May!
  3. Now, call everyone! Each person gets a sheet of paper to write down a few  places they would like to visit. Three is a good number! When everyone is done, we take turns reading our lists aloud and telling why we chose our destinations. There is always a possibility for a change of heart, as someone might come up with a wonderful idea! (Lucky) parents may chose one or more "adults-only" trips. These must be well planned bacause it is necessary to  arrange the care of the children. For me, this is still on my dreams wishlist! I may have to send my kids on a trip of their own!
  4. While each member of the family reads their destinations, Write down any matching wish. If two people say "Paris", put it down! Some may get most participants interested. Eliminate the ones out of the scope explaining why they aren't on the list yet. It may be time, interest or budget, but be open  about it. Those can go to a "Trips Wishlist"!
  5. Quickly list the destinations most family members got excited about and on the side mark how many days would each trip be. For example, Africa sounds like a great idea. You know a trip that far cannot be accomplished on a 3 day weekend! Also take note of any implied time of the year. Let's say everyone wants to go skiing in Aspen. That must be when snow in on the ground, right? So mark: "winter". You can also estimate the cost of the trip. Using symbols help children understand. We can do a lot more $ and $$ trips, than $$$ or $$$$. And why this $$$$$$ will have to go to the wishlist for now! :)
  6. Now it is the time to try to match the calendar where you marked all holidays, trips and events to the wishes of the family. The main idea is to let everyone voice their opinion. Having a plan allows for much better budgeting and deeper discounts! Now you can start booking. When reservations are made and trips are paid, mark them on your main calendar!
No matter where you go, go happy and be happy!
No one enjoys to travel with cranky people! 
Happy New (Organized) Year!

All pictures by Daniela Ianni Cohen.
All copyright Bloom Your Space Organizing ® 2014